Thursday, January 14, 2010

Is it Thursday?

This is the scarf I am currently working on.  I am trying to make it look like one of my left over scarves.

After the last knitting frenzy I went into I had lots of little bits and pieces of yarn left over.  Sometimes only 10 centimetres.  I tied them all together and knitted scarves out of them.

I thought they looked terrific, but hardly anybody else did - lol

Edit:  someone just mentioned they were drinking coffee *sigh*  I only have instant.  I am going to go out and gets me some real coffee.  I have no self control.  I have one taker for a scarf so I am going to post her a selection to chose from - mwahahahahahahahahaha - that should cut the numbers down a bit.


  1. i like your scarf... it's pretty!


  2. ta :)
    3 sent to Jami
    2 sent to Steph
    going to send a couple to Bec's John shortly only I don't got no matching hats - will see what i can do about that - it doesn't have to be matchy match right?
    I wonder if smurf wants one?

  3. better start on the miniature ones for the cats. give 'em matching hats too. can't you just see it? they'd look like characters from Beatrix Potter stories! lovely.
