Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I have never told anybody this before, but ...

I would really like to find somebody who doesn't mind the smell of kitty litter and who doesn't care about the mess, who will take the time to seduce and bribe my cats into loving them.  I want my cats to socialise.

In many ways it's great that they scatter and hide if they hear a car, but I still would really like it if one day a family member could come to my flat (after I'd cleaned it enough for visitors which is maybe about twice a year) and actually at least be able to sight one of my pets.

Ever since I read that book about the mad cat guy in england and his partner and their seven cats and particularly after seeing that site of cute guys with cats - I've started having fantasies of a cute guy patting my cats.

This is not a relationship fantasy. 
This is not a sex fantasy. 
It's just a cute boy seducing my cats.

Maybe it is a sex fantasy?
Maybe its an unconscious euphemism?

I think not, but one can never discount these things.
I have a twisted mind.

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