Saturday, September 5, 2009

Breakfast and Ephemera

Struggling against the affectionate onslaught of Blossom-Cat insisting on sharing lap with computer.

Felt like staying in bed, but eventually dragged myself up and out just before 8. I was undecided about where to eat. I've not been to my usual place for a while, but my scooter headed to the strand all on its lonesome. Was going to go back to the place over the water, but though it said it was open at 8 am for breakfast, at five minutes to, there were no signs of life, so I decided to give Bambini's gregory street branch a go.

Settled down with tea and feet up on a roadside garden bed. Attempted to listen in to the conversation at the table behind me, but only caught unconnected words now and then. They were Melbourne people. There was talk of organic and the price of coffee (i think) and the word brainwashing was bandied about. The unheard end of the phrase 'how can you let your senses free when ....'.

Very unlike usual overhead townsville cafe talk. One voice was remarkably like the one from the 'Listen, Now Walk' storytelling entry. But that would be coincidence gone wild, since I was cheatingly listening to the first track last night. I downloaded it from cause i was curious. Have intentions of buying myself a cheap mp3 and doing this properly tomorrow. (edit: have googled them since then and definately not them - oh well - maybe i shouldn't have bought that lotto ticket afterall)

Service was prompt - too prompt. I finished before 9 and wandered down to the rockpool to read until 10 when the guided walk was reputed to start.

I have no patience. I made it till 10 to and then thought 'fuck it' and just started walking back to the bike. lol. i am a doofus.

I took far to many photos of this one, but i liked it rather a lot and it was fun to photograph.

sunburnt sharks? i shall have to look at the program and see what this was supposed to be :)

Giant crayfish climbing up the rockpool wall. Eyes like gimlets (that dwarf who runs the delicatessen on cable street?) (sorry am rereading Reaper Man and that is one of the running jokes during the beginning bit - i am such a dweeb sometimes)

There was a woman looking at the lobster with the most amazing white hair. I could only dream of having hair like that when i am old. She looked up at the trees and it was like she was looking up at angels come to claim the good at the end of the world.

Though probably I'd just had too much sun by this stage. I am not used to sun. I like the heat, but only from the cool shade of my hammock.

Lovely as a sculpture, but regretable i think she would fit into my clothes - sigh - i really need to get some exercise.

this was very pretty. it was set up in the back of a ute with 'big yellow taxi' playing. I don't know what the significance of her getting out of the vehicle and resting a bottle of water against a rock, but she seemed to do it whenever I was passing by?

Part of the 'Listen, Now Walk' entry. This little town. Cute as. When I was sitting about at the rockpool reading I tried to make a little hut out of fallen pine thingys, but failed dismally. On the way too the rockpool I saw a little old lady creakingly lower herself down laying on the grass, so that she could take a photo on the same level of the little houses. She appeared thoroughly charmed. Must have been, cause getting up again looked painful.

A bird taunted me. It was flying about trying to pick the dangling bits for nest collection, but moved on everytime I got the camera framed into the right position. Curse you nature *shakes fist*

Am battling the urge to go glue rubbish to the tree out the front of my house. I don't think the landlord would like it.

A dirty scruffy withered and weathered man was sitting in the doorway of the pub my scooter was parked outside, rolling a cigeratte. He wished me a good morning. I uncharacteristicly indulged in a short chat. He lives nearby and goes for an early morning walk everyday. He has been puzzled at all the activity over the last week. Bless him. He's probably only ten/fifteen years older than me and thought I was a uni student or something.

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