Tuesday, October 6, 2009

In the Eye

lady in office discoursing regarding boys in skinny jeans not pulling their pants up enough, leaving them with a baggy, full-nappy-esque effect

subject arrived at from casual comment of mine regarding a person being gorgeous - she asked if i meant my gorgeous or her gorgeous (she has previously rubbished my preference for big brown eyes)

my stance - interesting face and personality (eg Steve Buscemi)
her stance - arse; gorgeous to her is good body and a face that doesn't require a paper bag (eg Vin Diesel)

i don't care so much about the body side of things, possibly partially because i don't feel i am in a position to throw stones - perhaps after i tone up, lose 30 kilo and actually remember to brush my hair before i leave the house - perhaps then i might feel i can demand beautiful eyes, good personality and buns of steel

though really ... everybody gets old and wrinkly - bodies fall apart - seems silly to get attached


  1. i love your new banner!
    it looks very nice over here.

    now then, i'm with you on the eyes and the non-6pack-esque body. the nicer a person is, the sexier he gets in my eyes.

  2. she has since agreed with me about steve buscemi and i've had to agree with her about vin diesel's voice (thought i've always thoguht it sounds like he has a little bit of a lisp)
