Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Farewell 2019 Greetings 2020

Fare thee well year ...
With all your foolish virtual self harming thoughts
Punishing maybes

I hear the echos of fucks
That resound from blocks away
Both joyous

A new year

A year that was not anything
A year that passed in a heart beat
A year in which the heart seemed to beat too much
Too fast
And sometimes not at all

It all evened out in the end
And counted for nothing

I am not sure the year counted at all
It cetainly didn't really feel like it happened

Some things are more 'more' than they were
But some are less?

Some closer to death
But i feel more distant

Mum had a stroke
Dad has Alzheimers
The house a street away sounds like a jolly domestic
Which is all very confusing

I think i feel more positive?
Less plastic

Mums is mostly herself
Just tires easily
Dad is sedated

Turning eleven of the clock
and only three or four houses are loud now
Happy louds
Wa heys and woos
Instead of ings

Its amazing how far an ing carries.

Further than embers

I am on the cooking channel
I am reading a childrens book
I am trying not to think about my life

It almost would be a relief to watch the bushfire news
(Which is a silly selfish thought)
(And both true and untrue at the same time)
(I am not so selfabsorbed as to trump tragedy)
(But selfabsorbed enough to fancy it for awhile)

Which makes me flash back to a scene from Grosse Point Blank
What an awesome film that was
... for a while ...

My new years resolution...
... apart from quitting alcohol,
Eating healthy,
Exercising and loosing weight) ...
Is to watch Grosse Point Blank on a regular basis
And attempt to learn the words off by heart!

I don't expect it to make me a more complete being

Probably I'd have to watch Lady Hawke for that, ay?

Edit:  you know it really drives me nuts when I can't work out what people are saying!  I refuse to put on dark clothing and crawl closer to their house just to hear. Why! Why did I not invest in one of them there cheap directional devices!  This happens every year.

Okay Fuckit!!!
That is my new NEW years resolution!
Directional fucking listening devices!

Fucking drives me nuts!

Ing ing ing ing ing

Edit edit:  and now all the neighbour hoood dogs are taking turns to bark.

And i can hear weird crashing fence noises
Close by ...
... but take reassurence in that they reported arresting the man in my neighbourhood this morning responsibe for a violent home invasion and crime spree, not really, argh!

Did i mention i missed most of 'Dinner for one'?
I love that show
I watch it every year
You should google it

Try and drink along with it, ha ha
Its a challenge!

They have been wooing periodically for hours
I just wish they sounded happier about it.

Twenty minutes to go.

Edit edit edit:  did i tell you already?  One of my first employers clients told my boss i sounded like a dead horse on the phone.  He called me into his office and made me practice sounding more cheerful.  He randomly called into the office over the next few weeks and after I'd answered the call would bark "SOUND MORE CHEERFUL".

This is what i want to tell the house a block away.

Twelve minutes too go

Edit efit editititditargh for heavens sake! Its still five mintes to go and they satarted the countdown to early and mucked it up counting down from ten to five.  Far ou brussel sprout.

Okay now they are wooing again.
They got the time right cause they can hear the fireworks going off in the distance...

... HAPPY NEW YEAR CUNTS     WOOO HOOO!!!!!!  ....

Monday, July 22, 2019


An abby-normal (vague reference to movie 'young Frankenstein') burst of energy on the weekend saw me  progress slightly on my gremlin project.

The son of one of the ladies at work grew his hair to shave for a cure.

I donated and asked for a couple of locks of hair.  The plan being to incorporate them into the gremlins.  I thought it would be cool.

However, I've been so tired, they have not grown much.  There has been a great deal more thinking and buying, than doing.

I didn't know why i suddenly felt okay to create, but then i noticed there were threads of black ash spiralling down from the sky and realised i was breathing deeply of the smoke from the grass fires in my area.

I grew up on a cane farm.

The sweet smell of burning cane and molasses, is part and parcel of my childhood.

Its going to get awkward if i have to set fire to my surroundings so i can have the energy just to mop my kichen.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

I shouldn't be spending money but,...

.... shoud be my new ongoing title but, ... i couldn't resist!

An elder gentleman was selling paintings outside the local IGA.

He said he didn't sign his name because once he'd sold it, it belonged to me.


Tuesday, May 14, 2019

I confess!

I wasn't supposed to be spending money this week, but ...

It is such a cute little painting and goes so well with the little cat lamp my brother gave me for Christmas.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

I wish i were there ...

I am swimming with delight of my nieces and nephew!

Eldest decided she really wanted to reenact a scene from the princess diaries where they have a canvas studded with balloons filled with paint and pop them with darts.

She decided to do this with her siblings to celebrate her mothers birthday, the day before mothers day, whilst her mother is away on long service leave camping holiday and not in a position to stop them,

She also decided to do this on the day they had mostly run out of food, and was soooo busy preparing for the event, that they'd not had much water, and decided they should have cocktails first, before doing anything else.
Like cooking.
And stuff.

Luckily, they also decided to film the event.
They even did a time lapse.

Sophie (happily/drunkenly) threw a dart.
It rebounded, after popping a paint filled ballon ...
... and she caught it again ...

She therefore argued that it meant she got another throw.

I have suggested the resulting artwork should be entittled 'Twilight pee on LSD'.

Apparently it got smugged a bit when she thought it was a good idea to hop up on the table to add more paint filled ballons, instead of waiting for her much taller brother.
(Sophie is a bit on the short side, but tall in personality and determination).

She is already planning a reenactment for when her mom gets home, but possibly without the darts.

... and the tacks they where using to fix the balloons, which had a tendency too projectile out from the canvas with prejudice.

Also, they are missing some darts.

Oh me, oh my ....

I have gained an overly chatty neighbour who has put my lack of enthusiastic response to the invite to come watch a movie with him sometime to offence at 'implied' cracking onto.

Extra implied 'as if!'.

I am not a social person.
I have been very polite.

He was supposed to fence his dog in, as it was not a dog friendly rental.
My cat had been missing two days.
(He is back now)
I am working twice my usual hours because someone is off sick for May.

He seems to be reacting to the concept of 'duplex' like others might to share house.

It is not a share house.

He keeps offering to do stuff for me.
I know i am messy and useless,  but i don't want people to do stuff for me!
I want to do it or nothing!

And i like it messy!!!
I feel so more secure!
Like I've left boobie-traps to ensnare trespassers .
If only there were a fence!

He is in his seventies or so, and obviously not used to living a single life, but ...

... but ....

... secretly ...

... secretly, I  wish I  were a serial killer and knew how to hide bodies, sigh.

On weekends when I work alone I speak to at least 150 people face to face.
I would take calls from probably twice that.
After shallow unrewarding potentially antagonistic interactions with 450 people in 7 hours, i REALLY don't want to see, talk, integrate with a living soul wot is not a cat.

I don't think it is unreasonable to expect my neighbour and his rather lovely elderly dog wot I am already sneaking treats too, to stay on their own side.

I am trying to wrack my brians of elderly patients who might want a man.
He has had a knee replacement, so he probably could dance?

Thursday, April 25, 2019


My sister and her partner have gone away camping, leaving their grown up children alone in the house.

Except from my nieces latest update:

Day 3 without parents: Dukey found a couple of maggots in the corner of our laundry next to our bin. He freaked out and sprayed them with bug spray, but it wasn't working fast enough and they were crawling towards him so he smashed them with a shoe. More started coming out from under the carpet though - more than he could squash - so he decided to drown them with water. But then he realised he'd used too much water and there was a massive wet patch on the carpet. So he tried to mop it up with towels and then when he ran out of towels (and I swear to god, I wish I was making this up) grabbed the fucking iron and started trying to iron the fucking floor dry. It worked a little bit but was taking forever so he gave up, put the towels in the washing machine, and wandered off into his room.
Came back an hour later. The entire back end of the house is flooded. He forgot to put the draining hose in the laundry tub. And he can't dry the floors with with towels. Because all the towels were in the wash. So now he is in the corridor with the mop, gagging as he tries to get rid of this water.
The worst part?
And now they're in the kitchen.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

It was a bargin!

Have been lecturing myself for the last two weeks about the need to get a grip and do some serious saving for a while.

And then ... sigh.

The ever fabulous Margaret Crawford went and made the gorgeous little bunny mug and my steely resolve crumbled before it even got to flash its colours.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Sleeping in

Snuggling with cat in bed.
Stroke softly under chin.
He gently takes my hand in paw and affectionately licks.

I can't but help wonder if he is just cleaning me up abit, so I don't dirty his fur.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

How does one spell tarry? Tary? Tari?

Tarry not amidst the discarded clutter and detritus
Cardboard mountains of consumed tv dinners and too many drinks
But go!  Go forth!
Battle overflowing litter trays stinking of piss.

Face the frequently forgotten and affeared
Tray hidden beneath the back stairs
All to oft' left long
And wilfully misremembered when done so.

Oh, if only I could discourse a river such as Hercules
To wash before me this feline faeces

Be brave little cat mother!
(Not so little in form,
But little in resolve)

Suck deep of breathe and hold
And triumphant undefeated, discard
Behold litter all clean and new
To be promptly christened with urine and poo.

Ive been watching a midsummers nights dream on dvd. Helen mirren as Queeb Titannia.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Flaps arms joyfully like kermit the frog ....

... am rather delighted with Nancy Springers Enola Holmes series for young readers. Wish I could buy books 3 and 4. Not re released for a while.
Patience is not one of my virtues .

I am also reading Abdrzej Sapkowski's Withcher series and am impatient that I am forced to work for a living when I would much rather be reading.

Surely people who could productively not make trouble and just lay back with a good book should be encouraged to do so, and have their subsistence subsidised to allow non literature , restless people who NEED to be doing STUFF to be occupied and encouraged to do so.

It would keep people who whilst otherwise might be tempted to razor their neighbours occupied and feel worthwhile and valued?

Not a good sentence.
There is a better way.
 My brain just don't wanna go there.

Not entirely my fault.
I couldn't sleep last night , even though I was tired.

Was past 12.30 when i tried to sleep, and my preliminary alarms started at 4.30.

I am not a morning person.

I found a cut throat razor in the gutter outside of my home after new year's day and scattered blood stains on the road, but no newsworthy article referencing such has appeared.

I've always wanted a own cut throat razor.

I cannot see what use it would be to take it to tbe local station.
I am much rather inclined to see if the weekend nurse will autoclave it for my safe keeping.

I wish someone would tell me if the new owners of the duplex want to keep renting out the one i live in, or if they want me to move out?  My lease is up at the end of February and I've heard nothing.

I have started demolishing the cobwebs I've allowed to build up out of sentiment for Dianne Wynne Jones, Howls Moving Castle.

You really should read it if you haven't already.

Nothing really like Howls net of spiders. I don't think I could have slept like that.

I sprayed my bathroom about an hour ago.
I just tried to go to the toilet.
An unwell, poisoned cockroach just tried to climb up my foot.

I am not suited to rigorous cleanliness.

I feel sad about the dying insect.

Though I am really very far from impressed with its far too confident interaction with my foot.

80 million this thursday for gold lotto
What would i do with 80 millon?
It is a silly amount.
I'd much rather win smaller mounts,
80 million is stoopid

I am sure i could do something with it anyway, what!