Friday, July 20, 2018

Bad cat

Bokkie-cat was upset with me for no good reason and when I picked him up to make kissyfaces at him, he attacked my face!

I hissed and spat at him so he would know he done wrong.

In retaliation I dressed him up ina pink polka dot bowtie.

I think he feels the humiliation.

Cause he tried to hit me again during the punishment photoshoot.


  1. Ouch.
    Jazz (aka psycho cat) frequently attacks me but so far hasn't got my face. His favoured trick is to reach up, hook his front paws into my butt and take his back legs off the ground. Much pain, much blood.

    1. I'm feeling ya. My psycho kitty does that as her begining move of climbing me to get to my shoulder. They also like to sharpen their claws on my jeans. Only I don't currently own any and cannot convince them that any old set of trousers will do.

  2. Yowie! That must have been jarring. He does look rather smart in the bow tie, I have to say.
