... I get so wound up and anxious before my specialist appointments.
My brain seems to escape my control at the least provocation.
It's a very important five or ten minutes that are not repeated for three months. I am so cross with myself cause I nearly always end up crying, which is my number one stress response.
Today I nearly held it together.
The actual specialist came out this time, and checked it was okay she had a student with her. I am fine with students. Actually pleased and happy if I can contribute. Which in this instance I think I did. There was quite a bit of show and tell happening. Which is good because I get told things I probably wouldn't be told under normal circumstances.
The specialist looked at my hands and asked me how I was working.
It wasn't a rhetorical question.
She actually wanted an answer.
She grilled me a bit on what I was actually doing.
She asked me if I was able to dress myself, and bathe, and wipe my bottom.
I nearly broke down then and there.
They were good questions.
I can wipe my own bottom and shower and dress myself, but sometimes it feels like a close thing, and I am overly self conscious about whether I am pulling my weight at work and if people think I am bludging, cause I don't think I necessarily think I look disabled.
My gulity conscience probably plays its hand here, as since moving is troublesome, my preference to drape myself over something soft and comfortable with a book tends to take dominant position.
Even when moving is not troublesome, my preference is to drape myself over something soft and comfortable and read a book.
I have my script for methotrexate and a plan to try it again and if still to unwieldy, a plan for an alternative.
I have the rest of the week off and have dug large holes in the front yard and half refilled the problem areas.
I am starting on the house.
Have stabbed a couple of the problem areas and if I manage to conquer the next two sticking points, I expect the rest to flow like joyful bubbling spring water, washing away the weighty weighing woeful black tide of stultifying emotion that has kept me from basic cleanliness.
I might even get around to washing some of the walls that I've wanted too for a while.
Or I may read the third volume of Stephen Frys autobiography which I picked up for five dollars at the opshop, when i popped into the city centre on an errand for my eldest sister yesterday.
It was a bargin.