Thursday, June 14, 2018


I mostly missed one of the most awesome sunrises this morning.

I woke at a stupid hour.
I was bemused at the glory reflected by my dressing room table mirror.

Lifted my head clear of the pillow I'd buried my head under, to be greeted to a sweep of colour washing my front room with peach coloured light and a window filled with fluffy apricot clouds.

A usual sunrise is pretty and all, but doesn't spew colour across two rooms and paint the ceilings pink and orange, so was very special display this morning.

I should have slipped put of bed and crept out my door and danced in the colour.
It was an amazing sunrise.
I thought about it.

I didn't.

I was having a lovely dream in which I bought two green dresses at a second hand shop in a country hall.  They were a bargin.

The fitting room was a wonky stand alone stall in the middle of the room wot only reached up to just below my shoulders.  When I accidentally bumped the wall getting changed, it jogged the door which caused the simple toilet style latch to disengaged and pop open.  I had to scramble in an undignified way not to be exposed and try and relatch the door by evening and resquaring the walls.

What is with the change room/toilets/shower stalls that don't properly cover my body in my dreams, hey?!?!?

I do love dream shopping though.
I even like window shopping in my dreams, which normally depresses me under waking circumstances.

I bought two lovely dresses in green.  One floral and the other in two shades of green in crimped folds.

The lady I  work with thinks she doesn't dream at all.
She can't sleep in and leaps from abed to start housework cause she can't be still.
Doesn't even read books.

I cannot even begin to imagine what her life must feel like.
It seems like there must be a whole quarter section of her life missing.

The dream state.
The reluctance to abandon the dream state.
The temptation to return to the dream state.

I have whole cities and houses that I return to on a frequent basis.

She was very kind listening to me waffle about the dresses I bought in my dream.  Particularly since she probably thinks I'm nuts.

I wish I'd taken a photo.
I dont have the words.

Maybe I'll wake wake tomorrow to something nearly as good?
Or dream shop a more upmarket rack?

I've yet to have a dream ball.
Maybe tonight?


  1. I dream in conversations rather than images. Or at night I do anyway.
    Day dreams can (and do) take me anywhere.
    Not long before dawn here - and I am hoping for a bright and beautiful one.
    No reading? That is an existence not a life.

    1. I tried to pay attention in my dreams last night (a concept I found harder than I expected). I have no conversations in my dreams!

      There is only the looming speculation of what could be, or a impression of what has/had occurred.

  2. Recently, I have been having a bit of anxiety in my waking life and that has lent me, I think, to having a few tense dreams involving a former boss who was a bit of an ogre. Work-related dreams often suck.

    1. Yes. I hate those ones. Its like you can never escape them, cause they follow you in your head, hey?
