Monday, November 19, 2018

Oh hum ...

... my dreams are less than salubrious (sp?)

I blame the methotrexate, which makes me feel flat and less than happy.

The dream I experienced, when I was convinced I was not sleeping, but just resting, was a double layered event involving me dreaming about describing my dream of me not sleeping but just resting whilst experiencing me describing my dream about not sleeping.

Or is that triple?

I was still quite poitive when i woke that i didn't sleep.

Whatever, no wonder I am waking up with a headache because I am clenching/grinding my teeth.

My eldest niece dressed up in top hat, white gloves and vest to drive my nephew (her little brother who is probably nearly three feet taller than her ((i exagerate))) to his formal in her car, which she dressed up in a large top hat and moustache (made of foam).

Who needs a limousine, ey?

Snowball continues to fling himself at my feet, when I am strolling in the yard; and pretending his legs are broken so I will rub his belly.

I have failed to win the lotto again, sigh.

Am lavish and exuberant with my application of lavender oil, which is having a positive effect on the quality of sleep i am having, so am feeling quite chipper even though i am not sleeping as well as i do generally.

I am reading a book which features witches and i think it is influencing my sentence structure and word choices.