Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday Morning

the ladies have tentively, gently asked me how my weekend went
as if affeared to bring up sensitive subject
have assured them that - yes
my lovelife is still a toilet
no - there was no sex
with anybody
not even myself
shall have to think of something funny to tell them
to lighten the mood

i shall tell them of the porche and the football fan
they amused the heck out of me at the time

stella is encouraging me to go out and find a warm willing body locally, though i assured her i quite prefer being alone most of the time, she says, sure its nice when you are young, but when you get old its nice to have somebody to sit on the porch with - i should have said that's what cats are for, but i am feeling all quiet and melancoly inside today - i think i shall wallow in it for a little longer


  1. gahhh.
    funny. i get that very same advice. a lot.
    as though it were the easiest thing in all the world. where the hell ARE these easily picked up men? find out, and i'll come up and we'll go and catch ourselves a couple.

    we'll need a few really big nets.
    and maybe a stun gun.

  2. but will they be any use to us after we stun them - how long does it take to recover from something like that?

  3. we'll choose a couple of brawny types
    none of those thin emo chaps.

    did the ladies at work have any tips we could use? directions to the hunting grounds perhaps?

  4. no help whatsoever - Supervisor/boss lady is one of those vivacious really outgoing people and has never had difficulty meeting anybody.

    so what - brawny? - like a tradesman? i think i might prefer the emo ones to that - short, geeky, sarcastic, maybe a bit weird looking by preference - I like noses with character and hairy legs.

    this time round, i've decided, that i would like somebody who writes really really terrible poetry, like wot bernard black from black books wrote for his summer girl *sigh*
