Thursday, September 10, 2009


i shouldn't be allowed to answer government selection criteria

i actually wrote:

I have been working in blah blah blah since blah blah blah and have been impressed with the breath of knowledge my colleagues have been called on to possess to meet the needs of clients. I have interacted with a range of organisations available to assist blah from blah blah blah blah blah blah blah organisations. I can only hope to carry this example with me into future positions.

i feel like i've been on drugs for the last hour
i think i may even have used the word emulate somewhere or other

by golly i need a drink

i think i am getting a pimple on my nose

1 comment:

  1. frickin' ey! the other lady is reading hers out AND IT IS AWESOME!!! i am highly amused that i am better at helping other people come up with responses, and that they find them helpful, than i am at writing them for myself.
