Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Need a Hobby

i really have nothing to write at the moment
normally there is always something for me to babble inanely about
but it feels rather like i have a few pages missing at the moment
very strange
lack of stimulation

i am broadening the ladies at works music listening
my favourite band - reaction was meh
The Drones = good
Melonman, Shit Times specifically = good
Dan Kelly and the Alpha Males = good

When pressed for an assessment Kathy has said
she isn't going to wet herself in excitment over them
but they don't make her vomit

NB: she is currently listening to 'Fire & Theft' and is refusing to take the headphones off and keeps shushing me if i speak to her - also making somewhat annoying do-do-ot-do and yea yea yea yea noises whilst singing along - so i think she likes it more than wot she has said

i think she still prefers bon jovi though

Edit: she appeared to be headbanging away happily to Melonman and seemed to be enjoying it, but then wailed 'why don't you have any gunners?' I said Gunners were shit and she said 'O-M-G'. what is with that? can't even be bothered to say 'oh my god' and is just spelling it.

I admitted i haven't heard any Bon Jovi since i was a teenager and Slippery When Wet was played so often at the rollerdisco, so she is now happily burbling away to herself about all the bon jovi songs and albums she is going to bring in for me to listen to.


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