Thursday, January 20, 2011


Uncle Sidney caught The Late Session that Dan Kelly was on (which I wrote on my calendar so that I wouldn't forget and then got caught up in a book and forgot).

I'd played Drunk on Election night for him once before, but he hadn't been in a listening mood cause he was raving about another musician's cd that he'd come across and was playing repetitively for the last so many weeks - but he was dead impressed this time and raved enthuiastically during our weekly phone chat last night.

I'd love to take him along to seem him live, but he isn't well enough.

Bypasses, valve replaced, bowel cancer, colostomy bag, type 2 diabetes and his knees are fucked, which they can't do replacements for because of all the above listed issues (and the colostomy bag makes farting noises which he is self conscious about).

I have Tex Perkins and his Ladyboyz playing today. I wish they'd done two versions, one without vocals, not that there is anything wrong with Tex - we like Mr Tex - but I would like to be able to hear all the little weird
fiddly things they did with the music better.

Up to "I don't wanna be here anymore" and my mind is visualising a film clip of him singing whilst sitting on a toilet and making constipated faces ...You don't know how hard I got it...


  1. The 'Dark Horses' CD was a soundtrack to my life for a few months around 2001. I'm going to see him play at a Sydney Festival thing on Monday next week... blanket, beer, things with hommus, and Tex; perfect.

    Your Uncle Sid sounds cool. What did he think of Dan Kelly after The Late Session?

  2. It's like he has a man-crush now :)

  3. Ha ha! I get those all the time :)
