Monday, February 8, 2010


Here I thought maybe, maybe, if I crossed my fingers and didn't look ALL DAY, some kind of magic might  happen and Dan Kelly maybe, might just perhaps, possibly update his blog.

Did he? I hear you ask.


Actually, I spent the day with my sister and latest niece.  Well ... when I say 'the day', what I mean is 'the rest of the day' after I got up, which I fully meant to do at a reasonable time, and in fact did, but then went back to bed and slept till after 11.

It was so hot last night and there were mosquitoes and they make a really really annoying noise and I forgot to put the Rid (insect repellent) on before retiring and the cats kept making noise and knocking stuff over and I gave up and at 3:30 am'ish and moved my bed directly under the ceiling fan and smothered myself in poison, so it's not as if I am just sleeping my life away or anything and probably, really, I am entirely justified in sleeping till midday or perhaps even later?  Possibly I shouldn't get out of bed till 3 pm.  Why strain myself, ey?

I think I should make the effort tomorrow though and go sign up with Centrelink since I think I only have $70 or $80 left to my name.  I always leave it very late.  I hate being on unemployment.

My 11yr niece and nephew approve of "It Ain't Half Hot Mum".  They said it is nearly as good as "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure".

Edit:  one can't help but think that his " ... and i think that has more to do with my general demeanour at the moment, which resembles that of a spooked horse (with the head of a monkey)" is a plea to be photoshopped. Attention whore. 

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