Sunday, January 31, 2010


A look of extreme annoyance flashed over Vorkosigan's face, and he bit off an expletive too muffled to quite make out.  As his visitor loomed in the doorway to the Yellow Parlor, his expression went very bland.

The man Pym was failing to impede was a young officer, a tall and startlingly handsome captain in undress greens.  He had dark hair, laughing brown eyes, and a lazy smile.  He paused to sweep Vorkosigan a mocking half-bow, saying, "Hail, O Lord Auditor coz.  My God, Is that Ma Kosti Lunch I spy?  Tell me I'm not too late.  Is there anything left?  Can I lick your crumbs?"  He stepped inside, and his eye swept over Ekaterin.  "Oh ho! Introduce me to your landscape designer, Miles!"

Lord Vorkosigan said, somewhat through his teeth, "Madam Vorsosson, may I make you known to my feckless cousin, Captain Ivan Vorpatril. Ivan, Madam Vorsoisson."

Undaunted by this disapproving editorial, Vorpatril grinned, bowed deeply over her hand, and kissed it.  His lips lingered an appreciative second too long, but at least they were dry and warm; she didn't have to overcome an impolite impulse to wipe her hand on her skirt, when he at last released it.  "And are you taking commissions, Madame Vorsisson?"

Ekatin was not quite sure whether to be amused or offended at his cheerful leer, but amused seemed safer.  She permitted herself a small smile.  "I'm only just starting."
Lord Vorkosigan put in, "Ivan lives in an apartment.  I believe there is a flowerpot on his balcony, but the last time I looked, its conentents were dead."

I love Ivan, have I mentioned?
I've had many favorourite book characters.  Possibly starting with the Duke of Avon and culminating in Silk from the Belgariad, but after all that ...  after my singles and teens, my favourite book character is Ivan.  Ivan is a secondary character and has laughing brown eyes and understands that it is better to walk instead of run when avoiding being landed with work one doesn't want.

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