Tuesday, January 12, 2010


losing track of time
sleeping late and not able to get to sleep
fell over like an old person last night
how embarrassment
burgundy bruised butt
luckily only lightly struck head on door frame
failed to shatter line of dirty cups congrugating down side of armchair

have a blanket and sheet draped over armchair to absorb sweat
corner of blanket slipped under foot on polished wooden floor
think I caused a shuddering Kabomb! noise when I hit
need to lose weight
though confess layer of fat made a good cushion
I am not hurt at all
I always have visions of broken pelvis and brittle bones
Have hung around with too many old people perhaps?

Wantz a dan kelly update, but don't wanna nag
hes propbably busy
maybe even trapped in a blizzard or something?
wild winter weather overseas and he did say heading to london for mixing?
Wantz pictures of snowy london too
maybe he hasn't left yet?
maybe I could offload scarf on him?
they are clogging up my flat
challenging to keep cats away from them
they like to maim and eat them
in fact he's got a big family, hasn't he?
maybe i could offload ALL of them on him
that would be a bit mad though
complete stranger sending loads of sissy colour scarves to guy in middle of heatwave
hahahahaha - almost am tempted

no no - must keep weird insane sense of humour under control
must remember "I am not funny"

I shall go knit another scarf to keep myself out of trouble


  1. You could joing the scarves together and make a blanket out of them...

  2. hahahahhaha - am having vision of face of puzzled musician opening package in 40 degree heat of a blankie made of multicoloured scarves - lol

    second vision of coming home to find cat choked to death trying to eat multicoloured blankie made of scarves - :(

    Also - you need to write another blog Miss Claire

  3. I do. I'm doing research for another little project I'm working on, registering website domains, etc etc etc. Hopefully it will be hillarious.

    Do you know anyone in the UK that needs scarves/blankies? They are going through nasty snowy weather, and could probably do with a few scarves.

  4. friends have come to the fore and volunteered to receive them even though it is stinking hot :) we are sorted

    for now anyway
