Saturday, January 2, 2010

Saturday I wake ...

It is as if the land surrounding my house has been transformed into some kind expensive canal riddled housing development for insects, set around a series of informal lakes.

 The Hopman Cup has started.  I've lost my tennis watching skills.  I am restless.  I am distracted.  I wander away from the television and wash a dish.  The Australian Girl is about to lose to Romania.

Actually I am more in the mood for cooking shows today.   A nice Global Village episode would be lovely.  A bit of scenery, a bit of cooking, some general knowledge.  sigh

Would somebody buy me a divan? 



  1. Ooh ooh! My falling down country mansion (imaginary) will have divans in every room (and hammocks all through the garden). I'd settle for a plastic banana chair, frankly.

    The tennis must be really boring if you're washing up. Oh no!

  2. But then the australian dude whose name i have no idea how to spell was awesome.

    but then we lost the mixed doubles and the queensland footage cut off for the news before it had finished.

    No the plastic banana chairs are hazardous. If one does not get off them right one tips them over - perhaps that is just me?
