Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Is there a Queen song for every occasion?

and another blogger bites the dust - Sparsely Kate is closing down

all this ceasing of chatter is causing me
to babble incontinently
into the ether to make up for the lack
or slack
or perhaps sloughing of needless things

but what is there left for me to cling?
and clutch and cluck
from my own reason for needing to throw words adrift

well. shit.


  1. I gotta start dropping by more often, you're starting to get extremely busy with your posting.

    Sorry to hear about another blog ceasing to be.

    Sometimes its really tough to keep a blog going for any period of time beyond a year.

  2. probably quality is better than quantity, but i am listing to the quantity side at present to get me out of my blogging funk :)
