Monday, October 12, 2009


work is slow and i find myself endlessly flicking flicking flicking a circuit of pages no doubt sending statscounters haywire but it is very hard to stop myself when i am rewarded with updated entries or ones posted that than disappear and if i hadn't been there i'd not have seen them and it gives me a little thrill to have glimpsed a thought then retracted like a drunken confession one is sworn to keep secret except they don't know that you know what they told and than took back and I don't know why they took it back or what it meant anyway which has taken me a little off topic which was to say i am feeling a little bit bored today


  1. i wanted to take down a few of mine, but in the end just left 'em.
    are you officially bored?
    i am officially dejected.

  2. oh my lord!
    my word verification just then was:


    that's a secret message from the verification gods, telling me that i should be at one of those 5star spa resorts in Byron.

    if i had the funds, i would be.

  3. those verification gods disturb me
    they know too much

    hell yes officially bored
    why are you dejected?
    is that the same as a decline?

    if you tell me will i have a scoop?

  4. i'm just a struggling artist.
    without the art.

    i know that i told you already, but i love your banner.

  5. its stolen (or at least i did not ask permission) - i can't remember exactly what i was searching for when i found it - urban landscapes or something, i think

    I consider your blog art - if you are that good at other things I may go into a decline.

  6. heh!

    you made me smile.

    i found a lovely picture for you earlier, i should dash off and get it.

  7. Kewl.

    An entire paragraph sans punctuation.
