Monday, November 23, 2009

Aimless Babble

My sister has given herself a nasty sunburn bagging dirt for me. They delivered it and plants to me Saturday afternoon 2ish. I was going to wait. It was going to be my Sunday activity, but ... I have no self control.

I saved one plant for yesterday.

So now I have a couple of passionfruit vines and eggplant and tomato bushes. I chucked all the out of date seeds in there as well, completely neglecting to stick to the spacing instructions. I figure if they come up, they can fight it out amongst themselves.

The bean seeds weren't out of date - i just felt like planting them.

I hate the open unobstructed fenceline. Neighbours have been cleaning up their yards and cutting down banana trees and shrubs. I don't want to see them working in their yard. I don't want anyone to see me working in my yard. I want a walled garden and intricate fretworked bars covering my windows and meals delivered through a small hole in the door big enough for the plate to fit through.

Sounds rather like solitary confinment in jail?

It would have to be a luxurious jail with unlimited internet and cushions. Fancy cushions.

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