Wednesday, November 25, 2009

oh for heavens sake

this is a distressingly quiet day
i can't work like this
i need to be busy

Edit: my brain with half an hour to go -

Is it a case of kill or be bored to death?

Policeman asks why I threw the chair threw the door and then stabbed a passer by with an arm sized slice of glass.

Well I had nothing else to do.

I’d been googling all day and we’d compared movie actors we thought were cute and then, well, what was I supposed to do next? You tell me?


  1. Jump up on the desk and dance, shake your booty!

  2. i've never been much of a dancer. In fact, my attempt at dancing is mostly just wriggling in one spot and frankly, I find it boring after a while.

    I can see the appeal of ballroom dancing. One has something to perfect there.

  3. also i think dancing on the desk is against OHS
