Friday, November 6, 2009

Grumble Grumble Grumble

Immaturely stewing, internalised resentment over something said by chooks of office today. Stoopid little thing. I should be more grown up. I should shrug off.

I can never shrugg anything off.

I always admired and envied the bad kids at school. The cheeky ones. The naughty ones. The ones who would play up and take what was coming. Like water off a ducks back.


Probably they didn't really. Probably they went home and cried. Maybe cut themselves or had unsafe sex - I don't know. They gave good show anyway.

Watching 'Can we Help" - question asked is "Why do men have nipples" - regardless of the answer provided, which is that we all start as female embros and then change and therefore men have nipples - I just want to say that I am very fond of nipples and am also very fond of men's nipples.

Go Nipples!


  1. I am a huge fan of nipples too. But not men's nipples.

  2. to each their own, or perhaps others, ey? :)
