Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Aye Currumba

Dan Kelly Album Blog

Yet more tweeking and no updates - but now you can comment. 

Oh the torment!
Oh the opportunities to make a git of myself all the time, instead of just when I have myspace access which is when I am at my sisters on weekends and Tuesdays, which I was grateful for - GRATEFUL I tells ya.  I am twitching at this very moment.  Itching to pester.  I've already cracked on the coffee.  But there is only one more week to go before I make it all the way through March without begging for an update.

argh argh argh - somebody slap me

I've already used a ridiculous amount of exclaimation marks and italics in this post.

(they've fixed up all the random capitals and that paragraph that was centred and everything - I was fond of that centred paragraph)

I wonder if they have a statscounter?  You don't have to have them visible.  I'll have been sending it through the roof.  I get clicky when I'm bored and have just been randomly cycling through a few bloggytype sites on the off chance I stumble accross an update.  It's just like channel flicking.  Nothing to do with stalking.   Honest.

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