Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Soo quiet at work today.

A delightful, though unhappy client, with an awesome signature was my only highlight.  He was lovely.  He said when he created his signature as a young man, he was playing drums and practiced a fancy signature cause at the time he was sure he would be a rock star :)

When I was coming up with my signature (in primary school - um - 9ish?) I was intending to be a spy.  I'd been reading Leslie Charteris books.  So the first part of my signature (which you can't read anyway so it makes no difference) is not my initials but a completely other name on the basis that, if somebody were trying to fake my signature they would probably assume it was my initials or name and therefore writing something else altogether was foolproof.

I used to pack a candlestub and matches in a pocket of my handbag for years, on the off chance I was in a vehicle accident whilst on a bus tour in the snow and had to dig myself a snow cave for shelter, therein providing me with both warmth and light.


  1. My signature is somewhat hopeless because it's actually legible. Since I had to teach myself how to write again, the first thing I practiced was my signature. It's about the only legible piece of handwriting I currently own.

  2. I think I'd be screwed if I had to try and learn to write again. I don't think I have the patience for it anymore.
