Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I babysat.  I ate.  I slept.  ARGH!  I have nothing to talk about.

This feels like when you catch up with an old friend for lunch and you've just finished the general wrap up of your life in their absence and visa versa and get to the part where you actually converse and then realise you have nothing to talk about. 

Perhaps this doesn't happen to you?    Mostly I am friends with people I work with and without work to talk about there is no other common ground. 

The last time I caught up with somebody from my last job, even though we had both been gone from it for a year, the only thing she wanted to do was bitch/gossip about the people we used to work with.  The rest of the BBQ was her and her friends talking about children and the army, whilst I sat about bored out of my mind, trying not to drink much cause I had to scooter home.  I generally end up drifting away and chasing peoples cats around the house fore to pet them. 

I even pet dogs in desperate situations. 
Even though they smell.

It is Saint Patrick's Day and I am wearing a lot of green.  On my way home I intend to buy either green cruisers or guiness which I will add green dye too.  Not that one can dye guiness, cause it is very dark coloured, but I want to see if it will foam green.  And then I will be sitting in front of the television with my green or greenish drink because I have no one to drink with.  Cheers

(I am not really sooking)
(just bored with myself)


  1. Saaaaaaaaaaaaam, this colour is not helping with my headache you know!

  2. But it HAS to be green for St Patricks day

    I promise to change it to something sooth tomorrow
