Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Probably a good thing I was reading till 4 am last night.  My 87 year old neighbour (in our duplex) was robbed.   I found a can of beer in my backyard today.  So they were certainly over my side at some stage.

I did hear a shout but I thought it was the house across the road yelling at people in the park.  That happens frequently.  I went to the window and saw two young men sprinting away and giggling.  They stopped for a breather about four houses down. 

So my neighbour says a house (not the one next to us, but the next one) has been robbed twice in the last week.

My front door can be opened with a stiff piece of cardboard and the bolt and padlock is on the outside of the door. Think I should start wearing clothes to bed, ey? Maybe it's a good thing I have been letting myself go lately and am looking less than glamorous  :)


  1. right.
    i want you to phone your landlord and tell him about the robberies and tell him to get himself over to your house and fix the locks.


  2. I am going to get my brother in law to come over and fit some nice solid bolts on the inside of my doors tomorrow :) It will be quicker :)

    All the windows already have massive steel bars over them that my neighbour fitted for a past tenant the last time there was a spate of robberies.

  3. I lieks wen yung men iz giggling, but not wen they steeals my karrits or beers.
