Friday, December 4, 2009

Dreams and Hope

I feel like I should write a short essay on hope and hopelessness, but I wouldn't know how to; and indeed don't actually have anything to say on the subject, except the bulk of people who accidentially land here through google searches (and don't stay) are seeking on this subject.

Except for the person who searched on "Townsville Saddle Makers".

Must not forget! I am supposed to be going to watch my niece in her play tonight. She has a speaking role. I would be a very bad aunt indeed, if I forgot to go.

Was having a daydream this morning - it was set a couple of years in the future - i had actually followed through with my plan to be slim and fit for my fortieth birthday - i was meeting up with friends from the augie march forum at a gig - don't know who was playing - some young thing had started chatting me up in the foyer and came over to me again when I was chatting with friends to ask if i wanted a drink - i said no, that was fine, i already had my bottle of water - then i said to him "you do realise, I am old enough to be your mother, don't you?" - and he leans forward and whispers into my ear "bitty"(link to a bitty sketch)

lol - bloody little britian - i caught just a little bit of that one skit this week and it has invaded my dreams


  1. Bloody hilarious dream, MCL. The first time I saw one of the bitty skits I had to wipe the tears from my eyes (the first time I heard one of the Little Britain chaps say "minge" Mr Kettle had to stop me from laughing myself to death).

    Anyhoo, that's interesting about 'hope'. There really are only a handful of things we think about the world over, hey.

  2. I think the first time i saw the bitty sketch I ran screaming from the room :)

    Can't cope with the incontinence one at all.

    Bubbles made my jaw hit the floor.
