Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy Birthday

I love the way conversations range

we went from aimless boredom to chasing ice-cream cars, to rock throwing, to children killed by trains whilst throwing rocks, to police, to sex education. Women in an office are entertaining.

I've been listening to paul simons, willie nelson, rufus wainwright and i really realy like kodachrome as a song.

I've indulged in one of those six pack of shots that you see in bottle shops.

i don't feel so well anymore
good night
sweet dreams
and may all your opposite partners be dressed inappropriately :D

Edit: opposite partners is kind of a dead phrase now, isn't it - should have just been partners - forgive me - i don't even remember typing it in the first place - i don't know why i thought it was a good idea to drink six shots after a bottle of wine - probably they weren't very strong shots anyway though, cause there was no vomiting and i wasn't really all that hungover today anyway - just tired